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Where to Turn Directory

‘Supporting good health and wellbeing in the Harrogate District’

Where to Turn is a directory of regular community activities and services provided by voluntary organisations across the Harrogate District. This fully searchable directory contains information about over 700 activities and services and is regularly updated by local charity, Harrogate & District Community Action.

The times and locations for meetings of local community groups sometimes change and we are not always made aware of the new details, so please do contact the group to confirm before making a journey if you are going along for the first time.

If you cannot find what you are looking for please email or phone us on 01423 504074 and we will do our best to direct you to someone who can help.

If you are looking for one-off charity and community events please visit our Events Calendar

If your group is not listed in the Where to Turn Directory follow the link to add an organisation or to add an activity.

You can refine your search results by selecting any of the optional categories below

Opening times
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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Organisation or Activity Description Full Listing Website
Nidderdale Community Orchestra All ages – all instruments. Meeting time: 6.45pm


Nidderdale Community Transport Nidderdale Community Transport is a partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, who have provided Nidderdale Plus with a Community Car, for use by residents who have no access to public or...


Listing image Nidderdale Embroiderers Guild Talks, classes & annual exhibition. First Saturday in the month. (not Aug. & Dec.) Meeting time: 1.00pm – 4.00pm.


Nidderdale Hardy Planters A simple love of plants and gardens is all you need to share your horticultural hopes, joys and problems with friends and fellow enthusiasts you'll find among the Nidderdale Hardy Planters. •...


Listing image Nidderdale LETS (Local Exchange Trading Scheme) To enable people in Harrogate, Knaresborough and District to acquire goods and services without spending money; to open up opportunities for local people to use their skills and develop new ones; to...


Nidderdale Museum This wonderful (and large!) museum is housed in an imposing Victorian workhouse in Pateley Bridge. Across its 13 exhibition spaces, 15 full size re-creations and over 30,000 exhibits, it brings the...


Nidderdale National Landscape Nidderdale AONB is an area of 233 square miles located on the eastern flanks of the Yorkshire Pennines stretching from the high moorland of Great Whernside south and east towards the edge of the Vale...


Nidderdale Plus Community Hub The Community Support Organisation for Nidderdale. Nidderdale Plus is a community hub providing a wealth of services to both residents and visitors, including a community library, community car,...


Niddfest Set in the glorious landscape of Upper Nidderdale, in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, NiddFest is a unique, new, family friendly festival, offering a weekend of talks and outside events for nature...


Noah's Ark Pre-school We are very proud of our purpose built pre-school, Noah’s Ark, founded in 1993 on Christian principles. Noah’s Ark meets in a safe environment and provides pre-school education for children 2 years...


Listing image North Stainley Baby & Toddler Group Last Thursday in the month. Also open throughout school holidays. £2 for the first child, then £1 each additional child. Meeting time: 10.00 – 11.30am


Listing image North Stainley Baby & Toddler Group Also open throughout school holidays. £2 for the first child, then £1 each additional child. Relaxed coffee, snack, chat & play. Last Thursday in the month at West Tanfield Village Hall....


North Stainley Book Club Meet in each other’s houses and are an informal group enjoying a general discussion, but being neither too literary nor too highbrow. 4th Tuesday in month. Meeting time: 7.30pm


North Stainley Village Hall - The Tuesday Club Informal group of ladies who arrange a varied programme of speakers, demonstrations, visits & meals out. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Meeting time: 7.30pm


North Yorkshire Adult Learning Office opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm and Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Learning Guidance and Support - Support whether it’s taking the first step back into learning, or getting that all...


Listing image North Yorkshire Centre for Independent Living (NYCIL) Here to Help is a project developed by North Yorkshire Centre for Independent Living - NYCIL to help disabled and vulnerable people and their carers receive information and support to enable them to...


Listing image North Yorkshire Community Learning Partnership (NYCLP) Check the NYCLP website for Community Learning news, resources and opportunities.


North Yorkshire Connected Spaces North Yorkshire Connected Spaces (NYCS) provides a collective voice for the recovery community in North Yorkshire. Joining together people, and groups from all walks of life, meeting local needs for...


Listing image North Yorkshire Connected Spaces Family Matters Boxing Free young persons boxing and peer to peer support in a safe place for young family members that have loved ones who are impacted by addiction and recovery or that struggle with their mental health...


Listing image North Yorkshire Council Are you worried about the cost of living? If you’re struggling to pay for food and other essentials, there are local schemes and organisations in North Yorkshire which may be able to help or point...