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Become a Member

Become a Member

Why Join HADCA?

Harrogate & District Community Action (HADCA) is a membership organisation. We aim to have a large and diverse membership to help us to represent your views. Members have the opportunity to vote at our AGM and to have a say in how the charity is run. We also offer a number of benefits for our members:

• Being part of a growing network with a shared sense of community meeting the needs of local people
• Strengthening and supporting the Harrogate District voluntary sector working together to enable local people to benefit from leading fulfilling and active lives and making a positive contribution to community life
• Reduced rates for training courses and workshops for charity members
• Reduced rates for equipment hire and other office services for charity members
• Free job adverts (for charity members) and volunteer role advertising
• Free promotion of your events and services for charity members
• Regular Newsletters packed with resources, local news and events, funding and training opportunities
• Free networking events with guest speakers

Which groups are members of HADCA?

We have over 200 members representing organisations of all sizes and from across the Harrogate District. We offer 2 types of membership: full and individual. 

How much does membership cost?

Membership of HADCA is free! We offer free membership to enable small new groups to benefit from our services. Our work is funded through statutory organisations, trusts, grants, the local community and members' contributions. Although we don’t charge for membership, contributions towards the cost of our services are always welcomed. 


Who can become members of HADCA? 

Charity (general) Membership is open to charitable organisations and community groups working in the Harrogate District. 

Individual Membership is open to individuals and colleagues in public and private sector organisations working in Harrogate District who wish to show their support for HADCA and local voluntary action.

Read our Membership Leaflet to find out more. 

If you would like any further information before joining please do get in touch.