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Add an organisation

Add an organisation

To add your organisation to the Where to Turn directory please complete and submit the form below. Before filling in this form please double check that your organisation is not already listed in the directory. All the information entered below will be available to the general public via the Where to Turn Directory.

If your organisation is already in the directory and you would like to update your details please contact us and we will send you out an online form where you can quickly update your details rather than starting from scratch.

Files must be less than 1.28 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Files must be less than 1.28 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

Please enter the main address or meeting place of your organisation or group.

Please only include current quality accreditations. If you do not have any quality accreditations please leave blank.

For Harrogate & District Community Action internal use only.

Please note the information entered below will not appear in the Where to Turn Directory. If you provide an email we will send you an online form containing all the details provided above twice a year. You can update your information or confirm your details are up to date by simply clicking submit. If you do not have access to an email account please enter your postal address below as your preferred contact method.

Contact Person