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Volunteer Managers Network

Volunteer Managers Network

HADCA produces a bi-monthly email update for Volunteer Managers containing information about our Volunteering Directory, local events, national awareness days, useful guidance, resources and top tips. If you recruit, involve or support volunteers in Harrogate district you are very welcome to sign up for our mailing list here.

If you work in and around Ripon, you may also be interested in joining our Connecting Ripon Network and the work of our Volunteering City of Ripon Project.  

Please register for our Harrogate District Volunteering Directory and add your opportunities, so people looking to give time can find your local roles to match their interests.  

Background to the Network

Up until March 2020, the Network met quarterly and was open to anyone who had a role in recruiting and managing volunteers. The meetings were free for organisations and groups operating in the Harrogate District and meetings were held at community venues across the District. Meetings were usually informal and focused on a topic of interest suggested by one or two members followed by a general discussion, with HADCA organising speakers where appropriate. Topics have included 'DBS checks'; 'Getting your Voice Heard in the Media' and 'Involving Student Volunteers'.

HADCA underwent a major change in May 2020  to secure the future of our charity and follow a challenging three years after the changes to the way in which NYCC and the NHS fund the provision of support for charities and community groups in North Yorkshire in 2017. Unfortunately we were no longer able to run our long established programme of forums and network meetings, including the Harrogate District Volunteer Managers’ Network.  Thank you to everyone who supported the Network over many years.