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Recruiting Volunteers

Recruiting Volunteers

Our online Volunteering Directory holds hundreds of volunteering opportunities from across the Harrogate District and North Yorkshire. This includes volunteers to help with events, short term projects or to provide regular support. 

We actively promote these roles through: 

  • Our leaflets and booklets which are widely available throughout the district.
  • Our social media accounts. We are on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin
  • Our Pop-Up Volunteering Info Stand which travels round the district speaking to people and handing out information.

Advertising your volunteer roles through the Volunteering Directory at HADCA is completely free.  


Is there anything which HADCA does not do?
  • We do not interview volunteers on your behalf
  • We do not check references
  • We do not carry out DBS checks
  • From 1 April 2017, we are no longer able to offer local appointments or an advice service for people who are interested in volunteering following the decision by North Yorkshire County Council and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups to appoint a new provider to deliver support for voluntary organisations and volunteers across the county.


Can you advise on how to recruit volunteers

HADCA issues regular newsletters to share good practice. This includes:

  • Advice on developing attractive Volunteer Role Adverts
  • Support to develop volunteer role descriptions
  • Advice on setting up a volunteer application and induction process


How do I register my volunteer roles on the Directory?

In order to advertise on the HADCA Volunteering Directory you must first create an account. You will then receive a confirmation email containing full instructions for logging in and updating your opportunities. Once you have logged in you will be able to add, update and draft or delete your volunteer roles. You can also receive and manage new enquiries from potential volunteers.