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Funding Your Group

Funding Your Group

Fundraising is an essential activity for all charities, clubs or community projects. There are a number of ways to fundraise or generate income for your cause:

  • Community fundraising, e.g. hosting or attending a funraising event, taking part in a sponsored race.
  • Collecting regular or one-off donations from individuals who support your cause, e.g. this might include online donations or face to face collections.
  • Major donor fundraising. This is when a few supporters who feel passionately about your cause give a large amount of money.
  • Legacy fundraising. This is when a supporter leaves a gift to your charity in their will.
  • Writing to trusts and foundations or making formal grant applications.
  • Building partnerships with businesses who provide financial or 'in kind' support.
  • Funding contracts with public sector bodies.
  • Generating income by charging for services, membership or products.


Most groups do not carry out all of these activities but instead focus on the two or three which they are most likely to be successful with. For example a community art group with lots of members might fundraise through a membership fee and an annual art exhibition. Whereas a charity supporting carers might hold a public sector contract, apply for grants and receive legacies. It is important to raise funds from a variety of different sources in order to ensure your group remains sustainable.