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Resources to Support Fundraising

Resources to Support Fundraising

Before you start fundraising

The Institute of Fundraising publishes a Code of Fundraising Practice and a Code of Conduct. These codes are available online and cover all aspects of fundraising from Trust Fundraising to Fundraising through Electronic Media. The codes give clear guidance on best practice fundraising techniques and cover legal requirements in fundraising. All organisations that undertake any fundraising activity should read the relevant codes before they start fundraising. 


Free Tools & Resources to support fundraising

The Big Lottery provide guidance on costing your project including working out your costs using full cost recovery.

Survey Monkey offers a free version of their online survey tool. This is ideal for carrying out a community consultation to provide evidence to potential funders.

Google Forms also offer a free survey tool.

Volunteer Spot and Doodle are useful tools for organising volunteers for fundraising events.


Data & Research to Support Funding Bids

Demonstrating a need for your project or service is key to effective bid writing. The following is a list of online sources of open data which can be searched and filtered to find evidence of need in the community. Remember to include a reference for any statistics you include in your bids. The following websites can be used to search for relevant statistics and demographic information relating to your community.

Data North Yorkshire provides statistics, research and mapping using nationally available data relating to North Yorkshire, together with local information from partner organisations. 

Office for National Statistics (ONS) You can also find Official Labour Market Statistics from the ONS online on the Nomis.

Institute of Volunteering Research publishes research papers on the trends in volunteering including looking at issues such as the health and employability beenfits of volunteering.

Ipsos MORI contains some research reports based on surveys of the general public. This may take some searching to find what you're looking for.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) produces an annual set of statistics on civil society organisations in the UK.

NICE provides research relating to health

The North Yorkshire Partnerships website is a good source of information relating to North Yorkshire including:

The North Yorkshire Community Plan 

Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2018

Joint Strategic needs Assessment (JSNA)