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Where to Turn

Nidderdale National Landscape

Nidderdale AONB is an area of 233 square miles located on the eastern flanks of the Yorkshire Pennines stretching from the high moorland of Great Whernside south and east towards the edge of the Vale of York.

AONBs are designated in recognition of their national importance and to ensure that their character and qualities are protected for all to enjoy. AONBs are nationally important landscapes and they have the same level of protection as National Parks.

The Nidderdale AONB team works on behalf of those who live and work in the AONB, visitors and the wider community.

The AONB works to ensure that the environment of the AONB is protected and that the AONB continues to evolve in a sustainable way in the future. This involves advising on planning issues in the AONB, providing grants and advice and developing specific projects. Our work is supported by a very committed group of volunteers and we are strongly committed to providing volunteering opportunities. We also work closely with our registered charity, the Friends of Nidderdale AONB, who support the aims and objectives of the AONB by funding projects.


Contact Information
Located at:
The Old Workhouse, King Street, PATELEY BRIDGE, North Yorkshire, HG3 5LE
Telephone Number: 01423 712950
How to get in touch: by phone or email
Additional Information
Charity number: 1118228
Local or National: Local
Area: Nidderdale
Disabled access:


Cost: Varies
Who is it aimed at?
All People
Last updated 30.01.2024