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Where to Turn Directory

‘Supporting good health and wellbeing in the Harrogate District’

Where to Turn is a directory of regular community activities and services provided by voluntary organisations across the Harrogate District. This fully searchable directory contains information about over 700 activities and services and is regularly updated by local charity, Harrogate & District Community Action.

The times and locations for meetings of local community groups sometimes change and we are not always made aware of the new details, so please do contact the group to confirm before making a journey if you are going along for the first time.

If you cannot find what you are looking for please email or phone us on 01423 504074 and we will do our best to direct you to someone who can help.

If you are looking for one-off charity and community events please visit our Events Calendar

If your group is not listed in the Where to Turn Directory follow the link to add an organisation or to add an activity.

You can refine your search results by selecting any of the optional categories below

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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Organisation or Activity Description Full Listing Website
ATC (Harrogate) (Air Training Corps) Aims to promote and encourage among young people a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force, to provide training which will be useful in the Services and civilian life and to foster the...


Autism Angels Autism Angels works with parents and professionals to improve the lives of all children and offers a range of programmes and events to support any individual or family’s needs. Your whole family is...


AVIF (Able Volunteers International Fund) AVIF is an innovative online charity assisting with sustainable development in Kenya, East Africa via online and onsite volunteering.


Listing image Baby Bundle Appeal Harrogate The Baby Bundle Appeal Harrogate collect donations from the community to make bundles for babies and their families who are admitted to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) at Harrogate Hospital. We...


Badapple Theatre Company Ltd. We are one of the UK’s most vibrant and prolific touring companies based in Green Hammerton and have been taking our original productions to rural venues, locally and nationally for over 21 years....


Badapple Tuesday Youth Theatre Do you know a young person who would love to gain confidence and have fun working as a team to learn theatre and performance skills and have fun with their friends? We are expanding our youth theatre...


Bead Harrogate Chat & Craft Session Bead Harrogate chat and craft sessions are open to everyone and anyone every Thursday afternoon. People can bring their knitting, drawing, sewing, anything they want.


Beat Eating Disorders Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, our mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious...


Listing image Bereavement Cafe Every second Wednesday of the month, 2 - 4pm. Join others for support, friendship and a cuppa. For more information call Rev Ian Pruden 01765 698288.


Bereavement Journey Starting 7th Feb 2025, The Bereavement Journey is a seven session programme which assists bereaved people to process their loss. Guests do their own grief work. Each Session comprises two films...


Listing image Better Connect Better Connect is a Knaresborough-based non-profit organisation that aims to create a Yorkshire where every person is empowered to thrive in their life and work. Founded in 2007, we have an...


Bilton and Woodfield Community Library Bilton and Woodfield Community Library is a small, friendly library at the heart of the local community. We are more than sixty local volunteers, managing and running the library for the benefit of...


Bilton And Woodfield Community Library - Groups and Activities Scrabble Club, 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. 2-4pm. Admission £1 Storytime for pre school age children and their carers every Tuesday 10am. Free Local History drop in sessions, Family History...


Bilton Area Methodist Church - Lunch Club Meets fortnightly at 12:15pm on the first and third Wednesday of the month for a 3 course meal and fellowship.


Bilton Community Centre The mission of the Bilton Community Centre is to provide a hub for the whole community to create and take part in a range of positive activities. The Centre is a single storey, fully accessible...


Bilton Community Forum The Forum meets weekly at the community centre and is an opportunity to meet and socialise. The group meet every Tuesday at 2.00pm for a cup of tea and chat followed by a speaker at 2.30pm. There is...


Bilton Conservation Group Protects and conserves the wildlife and countryside between Bilton and Knaresborough, especially beside the water courses of the Oak Beck, Bilton Beck and River Nidd. Can give guided visits to local...


Listing image Bilton Grange United Reformed Church 10.30am - 12noon, 1st & 3rd Mondays Sewcial for both men and women. Some people bring their knitting, crochet, sewing etc, others play board games or just have a conversation over coffee. We...


Bilton Health & Wellbeing Hub Bilton Health & Wellbeing Hub is a fantastic local venue for the whole community providing activities for all ages. The Hub has been recently refurbished and is a flexible and affordable venue...


Bilton Historical Society New volunteers are always welcome and any one who has stories to share about life in Bilton and how it has changed over the years. Meetings are on Tuesdays 9am - 12 noon (not August)