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HADCA Members 2023

HADCA Members 2023

HADCA Members listed in our Impact Report  - October 2023



Abbeyfield (Ripon & District) Society Ltd

Action for Children

Age UK North Yorkshire & Darlington

Aldborough and Boroughbridge Show

Alzheimers Society 

Ark Ripon

Arkendale Community Hall

Artizan International 

ASBAH (North & West Yorkshire)

Autism Angels

Autism Plus

Avalon Group

Badapple Theatre Company

Balance Wellness Centre 


Better Connect

Bilton & Woodfield Community Library Group

Black Swan Bowling Club

Boroughbridge & District Community Care

Boroughbridge  Feathers  Badminton Club

Boroughbridge Junior Football Club

British Heart Foundation

British Red Cross

British Thyroid Foundation

Canal And River Trust


Carers’ Resource

Catholic Care

Cats Protection

Chain Lane Community Hub 

Chapel of our Lady of the Crag

Christ Church Community Centre

Claro Enterprises

Cliff House Community Support Services 


Copt Hewick Village Hall

Dalesbus Ramblers

Dancing For Wellbeing

Dechen Buddhist Centre

Dementia Forward

Dignity Through Education

Disability Action Yorkshire (DAY)

Downs Syndrome North Yorkshire

Essential Needs

Fairfax Wellbeing Community Hub 

Farming Community Network

Fearby and Healey Village Hall

Friends of Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity

Friends of Ripon Hospitals

Friends of the Library in Knaresborough (FOLK)

Friends  of Valley Gardens 

Gracious Street Methodist Church (COGS)

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

Happy Wanderers

Harlow Community Centre 

Harrogate & District Cycle Action

Harrogate & District Parkinsons

Harrogate & District Sea Cadets

Harrogate & Knaresborough Toy Library

Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association

Harrogate Baptist Church

Harrogate Choral Society

Harrogate District of Sanctuary

Harrogate District Over Fifties Forum

Harrogate Fairtrade

Harrogate District Foodbank

Harrogate Dramatic Society

Harrogate Gateway Football Club

Harrogate Heart Support Group

Harrogate Homeless Project

Harrogate International Festivals

Harrogate Lions Club

Harrogate District MIND

Harrogate Neighbours Housing Association

Harrogate Rethink Support Group

Harrogate Theatre

Harrogate Town AFC Community Foundation  

Harrogate Women’s Project

Headway Harrogate and District 

Healthwatch North Yorkshire

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People  


Humanist UK

IDAS - Independent Domestic Abuse Services


Jennyruth Workshops

Killinghall Village Hall Trust

Knaresborough Museum Association

Leeds Federated Housing Association

Leonard Cheshire 

Lifeline (Harrogate) Ltd

Lime Tree Farm Earth & Sky CIC

Lower Ure Conservation Trust

Macmillan Cancer Support

Martin House Children's Hospice

Masham Town Hall Community Charity

Mashamshire Community Office


MNDA Yorkshire Dales Branch 

MS Society (Harrogate Branch)

National Trust - Fountains Abbey


New Light

Nidderdale Plus

North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law Centre

North Yorkshire Horizons

North Yorkshire Rotters

North Yorkshire Sport

North Yorkshire Youth


Oatlands Community Group


Open Country

Orb Community Enterprise

Our Angels Charity & Support Group

Out and About in Yorkshire  (U3A)


Pannal Village Hall


PATH Yorkshire

PCC Bilton St John & St Luke


Pinewoods Conservation Group

Presence Church (Harrogate)

Pride in Diversity

Rainton With Newby Village Hall



Remap - Harrogate, Knaresborough & Ripon Panel

Renaissance Knaresborough

Resurrected Bites CIC 

Resurrection Bikes

RHS Garden Harlow Carr

Ripon Cathedral

Ripon Community House

Ripon Community Link

Ripon Girl Guiding Division

Ripon  Library Action Group  

Ripon Museum Trust

Ripon Parkinsons Support Group 

Ripon Salvation Army

Ripon YMCA

Road Safety Talks 

Rotary Club of Harrogate

Rotary Club of Harrogate Brigantes

Rotary Club of Ripon

RSPCA  York, Harrogate & District Branch

Saint Michael's Hospice

Samaritans Harrogate and District



Scuba Diving For All

Sharow & Copt Hewick PCC


Soroptimist International of Harrogate & District

St Cecilia Youth Orchestra

St Mark’s Church

St Mary Magdalen’s & St John’s Bondgate Trusts

St Peter's Church, Harrogate

St Wilfrids RC Church

Starbeck Community Library 

Starbeck in Bloom

Stockeld Park Riding for the Disabled

Stroke Association

Supporting Older People

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

The Jordan Legacy CIC  

The Unity

Time For God

Time Together

Tu Vida

Tockwith Community Hub

Two Ridings Community Foundation

Vacation Chamber Orchestras

Vision Support Centre (Harrogate District) 

Washburn Heritage Centre

Wellspring Therapy and Training

Wesley Centre

White Rose Sailing Association

Whixley & District Community Cricket & Sports Club

Whixley Village Hall 

Wilf Ward Family Trust

Willow Tree Primary School PTFA

Women of Faith Today

Yorkshire Cancer Community

Yorkshire Cancer Research

Yorkshire MESMAC

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Zero Carbon Harrogate  


Barchester Healthcare 

Belmont House Nursing Home 

Carefound Home Care


Goldsborough Hall 

Home Instead Harrogate

Ann Allen, Olga Allinson, Helen Ashworth, Helen Bourner, Jane Brown, Charlotte Butcher, Chris Brackley, Vanessa Camp  Sharron Cooney, Nicki Eyre, Hannah Gostlow, Catherine Jackson, Jane Lindsay, Harriet Macleod, Jack Newby, Mandy Partridge, Victoria Pilkington, Daniel Rhodes, Gemma Simpson, Joe Starmer, Lindy Webb, Louise Wilson, Kieran Young.