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Where to Turn Directory

‘Supporting good health and wellbeing in the Harrogate District’

Where to Turn is a directory of regular community activities and services provided by voluntary organisations across the Harrogate District. This fully searchable directory contains information about over 700 activities and services and is regularly updated by local charity, Harrogate & District Community Action.

The times and locations for meetings of local community groups sometimes change and we are not always made aware of the new details, so please do contact the group to confirm before making a journey if you are going along for the first time.

If you cannot find what you are looking for please email or phone us on 01423 504074 and we will do our best to direct you to someone who can help.

If you are looking for one-off charity and community events please visit our Events Calendar

If your group is not listed in the Where to Turn Directory follow the link to add an organisation or to add an activity.

You can refine your search results by selecting any of the optional categories below

Opening times
  M T W T F S S
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Organisation or Activity Description Full Listing Website
Listing image Christ Church Parish Centre - Monday Monkeys Toddler Group (with parents and carers attending) during term time Meeting time: 9.30am – 11.00am


Listing image ChristChurch Parish Centre - Warm Space Do you ever feel like getting out and about for a change of scenery and want to meet new people? Then why not come and join us for an hour or so? We offer a warm space, good company, with a hot drink...


Christian Aid Christian Aid is a charity which helps some of the world's poorest people in around 50 countries to improve their own lives. We also work to combat the causes of poverty. Christian Aid is...


Chrysalis Dyspraxia Awareness Chrysalis Dyspraxia Awareness is a non-profit organisation based in Ripon that aims to: Raise awareness of this common but often misunderstood condition. This will be achieved through providing:...


Cinnamon Trust The Trust's primary aim is to keep older people and their pets together for as long as possible by using a network of volunteers to provide help at home, by walking a dog or fostering a pet...


Citizens Advice North Yorkshire Free Adviceline is the best way to get in touch 9.00 to 4.30 Monday to Friday on 0808 278 7900. There are drop-in sessions at the Harrogate office 9.30am - 12.30 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and...


Citizens Online Free Digital Support Helpline 0808 196 5883 Do you (or does someone you know) need help using technology or want to build confidence to do more online on your smart phone, tablet or computer? If so...


Claro Enterprises A community workshop for people with mental health conditions. Through training and personal development, clients can improve their quality of life, confidence, independence, self esteem and gain...


Cliff House Community Support Services We provide a range of Health and Social Care Practical Support as well as Advice and Care Planning for all adults over 18 years in the Harrogate District. Our services aim to enable people to live as...


Cliff House Community Support Services - Day Care and Day Activities Outings in a group or one to one to places of interest which have been risk assessed and opportunities to socialise and enjoy a hobby such as Bridge. Day Care groups include lunch and lots of chat...


Cliff House Community Support Services - Lunch Club Our Lunch Club offers an invaluable opportunity for older people to get out on a regular basis and to socialise with a group of like minded people in a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment and...


Cliff House Community Support Services - Shopping Support A full range of shopping services for any items food or otherwise which includes; escorted shopping to shop of choice, doing shopping and delivering to your door and putting it away appropriately;...


Cliff House Community Support Services - Support at Home A range of support delivered in and around the home to enable people to live independently and manage age related long term conditions; including medication prompting, a full range of domestic tasks...


Cloverleaf Advocacy An advocate can help support you to be fully involved in decisions that affect you. Are you struggling to stay involved in decisions about your health and well being or about where you live? Health...


Code Club Code Club is a nationwide network of free volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11. We create projects for our volunteers to teach at after school coding clubs or at non-school...


Coffee & Cake Morning for Bereaved Parents As part of National Bereaved Parents Awareness Month, Rushton Family Funerals is holding a Coffee morning support group for parents affected by the loss of a child. Join us for informal coffee, cake...


Coffee, Click & Connect We are pleased to be weekly hosting drop-in sessions (Thursdays 2-4pm) to help people get on line or improve their digital skills. Bring your device if you have one or just come along for a cuppa and...


Coffee, Click & Connect We are pleased to be weekly hosting drop-in sessions (Tuesdays 2-4pm) to help people get on line or improve their digital skills. Bring your device if you have one or just come along for a cuppa and...


Community First Yorkshire Promotes and supports voluntary and community action in the county. Provides advice and support to organisations, helps promote new ideas and facilitates voluntary and community organisations to make...


Community Fit Community Fit is a local activity group based in Harrogate. Our aim is to create a community of local people who meet to be social and active while giving time to Harrogate’s people and spaces. We...