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Community Fundraiser

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Community Fundraiser
Tools with a Mission
Description of the role:

You will work within your local community, Church, or community group to promote TWAM and help raise the funds we need to keep the tools flowing.
You will organise events of all kinds or find others to do them for you, from music nights to traditional coffee mornings.
It means keeping an eye on what is going on in the community and perhaps finding people to enter sponsored events such as fun runs, 10Ks, walks for TWAM.
It will include working with our other volunteers to arrange events such as TWAM evenings with coffee and cake or a buffet.
Overall, you’ll be telling everyone how great TWAM is and why we need their support.

ou’ll get pull-up banners, leaflets, resources and loads of support from everyone at TWAM, from the Volunteering Coordinator and the Fundraising and Communications Officer to your local TWAM Tool Collectors and Volunteer Speakers.
You will also be given a TWAM Polo Shirt and fleece to wear and an ID card if required.
From the role, you will gain a warm satisfaction at the difference you are making to people’s lives. You may also have opportunities if you wish to learn new skills. We will provide a reference if required for a future employer or other organisation

Skills and qualities needed for the role:

We are looking for passionate, energetic people who can organise things and get things done, and people who can identify others and mobilise them to organise events. We really need people who can work as a team and really get stuck into the very exciting role.

Practical information:

We provide an induction to the role which may be either over the phone, electronically or in person and a volunteer handbook on starting. You will have a named contact within TWAM for any questions or problems and further training can be provided as required.


Additional Information
DBS check needed: No
Driving licence needed: No
Car owner: No
Open to: Over 18s
Is this role wheelchair accessible?: Yes
2 Bailey Close
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate
Last updated: 01.09.2023
Organisation Information

We are a Christian charity that collects unwanted usable tools, refurbishes them, sorts them into trade tool kits and sends them to the developing world for livelihood creation.

We send around 16 containers filled with a total of around 225 tonnes of tools every year. These tools range from sewing machines and knitting machines to carpentry tools and mechanics tools.

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