Group Volunteering Opportunities
There are many ways in which you can volunteer as a group, whether you want to raise awareness, fundraise or help with a one-off project or event. These are just a few of our suggestions for how your group or staff team could make a difference for the community.
Corporate Awareness/Team Building Volunteering Days
Harrogate Homeless Project are always grateful for any corporate interest or support and can offer something back to business managers and employees in return with a full programme of activities and lunch and refreshments included. An insightful workshop looks at how homelessness happens and crucially, how proactive strategies in the workplace could help to prevent it becoming a reality. During the afternoon session, volunteers will be working on a variety of practical tasks to support the Hostel’s work.
Choose a Charity of the Year to support
Champion a local charity by raising awareness and fundraising in your local area. It's a good idea to get in touch with the charity you would like to support as they may be able to supply you with posters, online donation pages or Tshirts.
Bear in mind though that a lot of local charities are very small (no really... we know of some charities who only have one part-time staff member who organise all their activities, volunteers, fundraising, etc.) so be patient waiting for a reply as these small charities will really appreciate your help.
Organise your own fundraising event
Hosting your own event could include anything from a quiz, wine tasting, cocktail evening or a sporting challenge like a golf day. Hold a cake stall at work and bring the whole office together to share their creations. You could even have a prize for the best cake.
Is there a bungee cord with your name on it? If you're adventurous get a team together and take on a sponsored challenge like a skydive, bungee jump, bike ride or trek. This is also a great way of team building.
Join a local or regional organised event
There are a number of annual events that you could take part in:
Knaresborough Bed Race (supporting the charity of your choice)
The Great Knaresborough Bed Race is a bit of a local institution and well worth a visit if you've never been. The Race is organised by Knaresborough Lions and takes place in June each year.
Teams compete in a fancy dress competition (there's a different theme each year). This is followed by a race pushing their bed at break neck speed up and down the cobbled streets of Knaresborough before taking a final plunge through the river Nidd. If you fancy joinging the madness entry forms are available in January and competitors are drawn in March. For full information visit
The Nidderdale Walk (supporting the charity of your choice)
Organised by The Rotary Club of Harrogate the Nidderdale Walk has been has been running for over 20 years and takes place in May each year.
A variety of different sponsored walks are available ranging from family friendly walks of a couple of miles to a gruelling 20+ mile walk (Members of our staff took so long they got a rowdy round of applause in the car park at the end... shh we never mentioned that!).
A highly recommended day out in beautiful countryside. For further information visit
The Great North Run (supporting the charity of your choice)
The Great North Run is a half marathon which starts in Newcastle and finishes in the coastal town of South Shields. The run takes place in September each year. Participants raise money for their chosen charity by collecting sponsorship. For more information visit
The Great North Swim (supporting the charity of your choice)
The Great North Swim takes place in June each year in Lake Windermere. Swims range between half a mile and 5K. Participants raise money for their chosen charity by collecting sponsorship. For more information visit
Take on a Challenge for Saint Michael’s Hospice
Local hospice Saint Michael's organise a number of events throughout the year. Check their website for details.
Race for Life (Cancer Research UK)
Race for Life is the largest women-only fundraising event in the UK. Check their website for local races
Triathlon (supporting the charity of your choice)
If a half marathan and the great north swim just aren't enough for you then why not try taking part in a Triathlon. For details of your nearest triathlon visit
Join a Volunteer Group
If you fancy getting involved in improving the local environment around Harrogate district there are plenty of group activities to get involved with. Find just a few examples below:
Pinewoods Conservation Group
Ongoing tasks include litter picking, maintaining paths, tree planting and the constant battle to control Himalayan Balsam.
There are lots of events and opportunities for people of all ages and interests to get involved with as part of this National Trust and Nidderdale AONB environment and heritage partnership project around the Ripon area.
The National Trust is a UK conservation charity, protecting historic places and green spaces, and opening them up for ever, for everyone. The charity offer a wide variety of volunteer roles including group opportunities and employer supported volunteering opportunities.
Gardening or DIY
Occasionally charities need a group of volunteers to paint a building or revamp a garden.
Harrogate Easier Living Project
HELP support people to live independently in their own homes. They provide help with gardening, decorating and DIY. The gardening takes place in the summer months whereas the decorating is in the winter months. HELP have a team of regular volunteers but are also supported by small teams from local businesses who spend a day clearing a garden or decorating a room.
Be CommunityFit Stars!
Community Fit is a local activity group which meets to be social and active, while giving time to Harrogate’s people and spaces.
At regular group sessions they run, walk or cycle together to a community group or charity where they help out before heading back to base. Helping out can be anything from sorting donations to moving furniture, painting, tree planting or litter picking.
Take your chance on the Lottery
THE LOCAL LOTTO is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Harrogate District. All good causes supported by the lottery will benefit Harrogate District and its residents. Play the lottery, support Harrogate District - it’s that simple!
There are also a number of charities that raise funds by running their own local lottery, including Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Martin House Hospice or Saint Michaels Hospice.