Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.
The Small Charities Coalition defines small charities as those with an annual income under £1m and estimates that they make up 97% of all charities. Research by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations shows that 82% of all charities have an income of less than £100,000. Their data also shows that most of the small organisations (79%) work in their local area rather than on a national or international level. They also cover a diverse range of activities. As with larger charities, the biggest number work in social services (25,500), and culture and recreation (19,700). However, they also make up more than 94% of all Parent Teacher Associations, village halls and scout groups.
Whatever the size of a charity there are really only two things they need to achieve their purpose; volunteers and cash. HADCA is happy to be a partner in forthcoming opportunities to boost both.
Volunteers’ Week at the beginning of June provided the opportunity to launch this year’s Celebration of Volunteering in the District. Organiser John Fox is inviting any voluntary and community groups in the Harrogate District who are celebrating a special Anniversary to email a photograph of their volunteers in action together with a few words explaining the aims of the group. Please send entries to volunteeringoscars1@gmail.com. by 1 July 2021 to feature in this year’s Volunteer Oscars event, which has been pencilled in for Friday 29th October.
Small Charities Week brings together a series of activities and initiatives to support and raise awareness of the small charities that make a huge difference to so many people. HADCA is taking part via social media to make sure our fantastic small local charities know they are appreciated for all their hard work and the contributions their volunteers make.
THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District was launched three years ago to enable local groups to apply for small grants via a straightforward local grants programme. The Fund has given out 52 grants totalling £149,977 in the first three year. Initial support came from Harrogate Borough Council and the former Harry Bolland Trust and now local businesses and individual donors are coming on board as they can see that their support is going directly into our local charities and community groups. The fund is currently open for applications from organisations with an income of under £500,000, for grants of up to £3000. The closing date is 21st June, with more info via https://www.tworidingscf.org.uk/fund/tlfharrogate/
If you’d like to find out more about our fantastic voluntary and community sector and HADCA’s work across the District you’d be most welcome at our next online HADCA Intro Session between 11 and 12 on Wednesday 23rd June. For more details and to book your place visit https://hadca.org.uk/news/hadca-introduction-sessions.