Our round up of advice, guidance and community information to support charities, volunteers and communities in Harrogate District will be reviewed regularly during these challenging and changing times caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Please sign up to our regular e-bulletins. These are normally sent fortnightly, but are more frequent at the moment to help keep you up to date.
Supporting our local communities
The HADCA team is working with our established networks and partners, knowing that the community response will need to be sustained over months. We must encourage as many people as possible to turn to trusted family, friends and neighbours wherever possible, so that public and voluntary sector resources can then be focussed on supporting those who are most vulnerable and in need of support, to be provided in a safe way.
We have put together some advice for community involvement during the coronavirus outbreak. We want to encourage kindness and neighbourliness, but we want people to stay safe so we’ve shared some tips for everyone to please bear in mind.
Voluntary car driving service update
HELP is now working with a small team of volunteer drivers to offer transport to passengers without any other means to attend Covid-19 vaccinations and other essential health appointments.
Please read the eligibility criteria for using the service here and to book your journey contact us Monday- Friday 9am – 4pm. Please leave a message and we will call you back.
Harrogate office – transport@hadca.org.uk, 01423 813090
Ripon office – requests@hadca.org.uk, 01765 645907
For the Nidderdale area please contact Nidderdale Plus - admin@nidderdaleplus.org.uk, 01423 714953
For the Boroughbridge area please contact Boroughbridge Community Care - boroughbridgecommunitycare@gmail.com 01423 324504
Community Support Organisations
In a coordinated joint effort with district councils, North Yorkshire County Council is working with community organisations across the county who are working with the voluntary sector in their locality.
People needing help can contact the County Council’s customer service centre on 01609 780780 which will direct them to the contact point in their area.
The role of the community support organisation is:
- The single point of contact for those who are alone and isolated by the pandemic
- Signposting to what local support is available in the community;
- Act as local hub for individuals and groups wishing to volunteer in the community response;
- Provide information on local shopping options
HADCA and our HELP services, is the community support organisation for Harrogate and the surrounding villages. The contact number is 01423 813096 (Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm with an answer machine if we are not able to take your call ) and email help@hadca.org.uk
Harrogate Round Table has worked with Harrogate Borough Council (HBC), North Yorkshire County Counci (NYCC), HADCA and trusted local charities to provide a helpful guide to local support in and around Harrogate to assist those people who are self isolating at home.
In other areas of our district, the Community Support Organisations (CSOs) are:
- Ripon and villages: Ripon Community House 01765 603631 reception@riponcommunityhouse.co.uk 9am - 4pm Mon - Fri
- Knaresborough and villages: Knaresborough Connectors 07593 882340 info@knaresboroughconnectors.org.uk 8am - 8pm (answer machine)
- Boroughbridge and villages: Boroughbridge Community Care 01423 324504 boroughbridgecommunitycare@gmail.com 9am - 1pm Mon - fri
- Nidderdale: Nidderdale Plus 01423 714953 admin@nidderdaleplus.org.uk 10am - 4pm Mon - Fri
- Masham and villages: Masham Community Office 01765 680200 info@visitmasham.com 10am - 3pm Mon - Fri
This is a limited weekday service. People with urgent need should contact the North Yorkshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01609 780780.
HBC and NYCC have produced a leaflet with sources of financial help and wellbeing and mental health support.
The 6 Community Support Organisations are also listed on this flier
Food and essential items
Local food providers are here to help anyone in need of food. They can provide food parcels including basic provisions and some provide cooked meals or a combination of both. A food support leaflet (updated 2022) has been produced by Harrogate Borough Council, North Yorkshire County Council and community organisations working together. As well as listing local food providers it gives details of how to make donations.
For anyone struggling to make ends meet during these uncertain times in the Ripon area there is a Food Support Service available from Ripon Community House. You can find other food support services listed in our Where To Turn Directory. These include Harrogate District Foodbank, Resurrected Bites, St Peters Harrogate, Harrogate & Ripon Food Angels and Supporting Older People. You can also contact your local Community Support Organisation listed above for help and signposting to someone who can provide the support you need if they can't.
North Yorkshire County Council has details on their website of supermarket special opening hours and deliveries aimed specifically at helping to ensure vulnerable and elderly people can get the groceries they need. There is also information on how to safely pay volunteers or other suppliers.
North Yorkshire Buy Local was launched to enable North Yorkshire businesses and tradespeople to share what they offer customers who need their services during Covid-19.
Details of local delivery services have changed on a weekly basis but together with colleagues in the community support organisations we compiled listings of some local providers during the lockdown from March 2020. Please click on the links below for information on services (at the dates shown) or please contact your local Community Support Organisation:
Harrogate and villages (updated November)
Ripon and villages (updated November)
Nidderdale (updated November )
Masham area (updated June)
Knaresborough (updated May)
Where To Turn Directory in Harrogate District
There are hundreds of charity services offering support listed in our searchable community information directory. Many will have had to change the way they work but will still be offering email and telephone support, with information and guidance on their websites and some online activities. We are doing our best to keep this resource updated, as well as to include latest news in our e-bulletins.
If you're over 18 years of age, healthy and not at high risk (see NHS guidelines ) you can sign up to become a Here To Help Volunteer and help others with tasks such as urgent food shopping and presciption pick ups for the most vulnerable.
Many local charities need people to give time, not just now, but in the future. Take a look at our HADCA Volunteering Directory to see the range of roles available and to enquire. But please bear in mind that services offered will often be changing because of the outbreak.
Information and guidance for charities and community groups
- NCVO has issued guidance for charities and made some KnowHow member only content freely available to all, including:
Protecting your staff, volunteers and beneficiaries
Contingency planning and financial implications
Coronavirus and governance: what charity trustees need to think about
Whether you need short-term, practical advice in these difficult times, or longer term on-going support:
During these difficult times, the LawWorks Not-for-Profits service providing free legal advice for smaller charities continues.
- Community First North Yorkshire has produced useful guidance looking at things that need to be considered by both people offering their support and people who are co-ordinating local actions.
- The Coronavirus Community Fund has been established to support community groups with emergency funding to deal with emerging issues in the community as a result of the continuing threat of coronavirus. Grants are available to groups based in North Yorkshire, York, East Riding of Yorkshire or Hull.
Information for carers and people with health conditions
- In Harrogate district Carers Resource provides advice and support for unpaid adult and young carers and has explained the current changes to services on their website
- Healthwatch North Yorkshire have put together a list of information relating to specific health conditions
Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- The coronavirus outbreak is affecting the way many of us live our lives, and it's normal that this will affect people's mental health. Mind charity has produced information and ideas to try to help your wellbeing.
- The Mental Health Foundation has published some top tips for looking after and managing our mental health and wellbeing, as well as some resources and tips for employers and employees.
- OCD can be isolating at any time and this will be a particularly difficult time for many people. There is information and support on the OCD Action website
- The Samaritans have gathered some resources that may be helpful.
- A range of over 30 free online mental health and wellbeing courses and resources from Recovery College Online if you’re feeling overwhelmed, low in mood or anxious.
Latest Health information and advice
The following pages are being updated regularly
- NHS England (including people at high risk)
- The official UK Government website for data and insights on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Accessible guidance
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board have compiled easy-read guidance for people with autism and/or learning disabilities and their families
North Yorkshire’s Trading Standards officers are encouraging family and friends to help to protect residents from potential scams amid reports of fraudsters trying to take advantage of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Harrogate Borough Council latest information - Coronavirus
This page is updated with latest information about services and support for businesses.
Page last updated 18 October 2021. This page will be reviewed regularly.