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Where to Turn Directory

‘Supporting good health and wellbeing in the Harrogate District’

Where to Turn is a directory of regular community activities and services provided by voluntary organisations across the Harrogate District. This fully searchable directory contains information about over 700 activities and services and is regularly updated by local charity, Harrogate & District Community Action.

The times and locations for meetings of local community groups sometimes change and we are not always made aware of the new details, so please do contact the group to confirm before making a journey if you are going along for the first time.

If you cannot find what you are looking for please email or phone us on 01423 504074 and we will do our best to direct you to someone who can help.

If you are looking for one-off charity and community events please visit our Events Calendar

If your group is not listed in the Where to Turn Directory follow the link to add an organisation or to add an activity.

You can refine your search results by selecting any of the optional categories below

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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Organisation or Activity Description Full Listing Website
Bipolar UK National charity dedicated to supporting individuals with the condition of bipolar, their families and carers. Support Groups are free to attend and are open to anyone affected by bipolar,...


Bipolar UK Support Group The Harrogate Support Group, run by national charity Bipolar UK, meets monthly at St Peters Church, Cambridge Road, Harrogate on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 7.00-9.00pm Please note that at...


Black Swan Crown Green Bowling Club, Harrogate Black Swan Bowling Club offers the opportunity to play bowls. Crown green bowls is a low-impact, therapeutic exercise that can improve fitness, coordination and confidence. We can offer coaching and...


Black Swan Crown Green Bowling Club, Harrogate - Try Bowls for free events Back to bowls. With the lifting of restrictions we are holding a regular coffee morning from Tuesday 20th July at 11am - running each week until end of August. Come and join us for tea, coffee and...


Blind Veterans UK Blind Veterans UK helps vision-impaired ex-Servicemen and women to rebuild their lives after sight loss. We provide rehabilitation, training, practical advice and emotional support to veterans...


Listing image Bloodwise Harrogate & District Fundraising Group Local branch of national charity Bloodwise (formerly Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research). We were formed in 1972 and we've been raising money to beat blood cancer ever since. We hold lots of events...


Bloom Creative Wellbeing CIC Bloom is a kind and creative not-for-profit social enterprise. We support and empower people and communities to bloom through creativity and the arts!​ We provide arts psychotherapies, creative...


Blue Cross Thirsk We take in unwanted dogs and cats and find caring, permanent homes for them.


Boroughbridge Community Charity Established to help the disadvantaged and disabled members of the community regardless of age. Seeks to meet the needs of the local community. Recruits volunteers to help provide a lunch club and...


Boroughbridge Community Charity - Coffee Morning A friendly and social drop in coffee morning every Friday from 10am - 12pm in the Jubilee Room, above the library. Volunteers serve tea, coffee, biscuits and sometimes there are other treats such as...


Boroughbridge Community Charity - Lunch Club £5.00 for 2-course meal with tea/coffee. Transport can be provided. Meeting time: 11.45am – 1.15pm


Boroughbridge Community Charity- Minibus Outings Over 40 outings to various locations within 100 miles of Boroughbridge. Costs between £8-£12 Booking essential.


Boroughbridge Community Larder A place where ANYONE (shops, households, farmers, allotment holders etc) can donate any surplus food they have; this food is then available to ANYONE, free of charge, regardless of means....


Boroughbridge Community Library Boroughbridge Community Library and Resource Centre is a volunteer-run, welcoming library at the heart of the community providing a full range of library services, including computers, for the...


Listing image Boroughbridge Feathers Badminton Club Junior and adult badminton from age 5yrs.


Boroughbridge Historical Society Formed to research, record and preserve local history and artefacts of the area for future generations. Regular programme of speakers, visits, newsletter and holds exhibitions. Second Tuesday in the...


Boroughbridge Junior Football Club The club serves the local community and surrounding villages and welcomes both boys and girls of any ability from 5 - 17 years of age. The aim is to develop football and social skills. Games and...


Boroughbridge Methodist Church - Coffee Morning Community coffee morning at Boroughbridge Methodist Church. Every 3rd Saturday of each month excluding the month of August. 10.00-11.30am. All welcome.


Boroughbridge Youth Club Zone Out Tuesdays Tuesdays 6.30pm – 8pm For Years 7 + Just £1 with free pool and Wi-Fi. Refreshments and Music.


Listing image Boys Brigade 3rd Harrogate Company The Object of The Boys' Brigade is: ''The advancement of Christ's kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that...