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Support Us

Harrogate & District Community Action is an independent registered charity. We could not continue to deliver our services without the generous donations and support from local people and businesses.

Last year we used your donations to:

  • Support 112  organisations to recruit volunteers for 293 different roles
  • Keep over 1,000 local community contacts informed and up to date with our weekly bulletins
  • Connect 160 people at 13 network meetings to increase awareness of local needs and priorities 
  • Link people to over 800 services and activities supporting wellbeing through our  Where To Turn Directory
  • Enable young people to give 200 volunteering hours  in their community
  • Co-ordinate 46 Community Fit Stars giving 265 hours to help out local community organisations

"HADCA supports everyone in the community. They are inclusive, diverse and passionate about everyone having the best opportunities and tools at their disposal to live a fulfilling life. We saw the need for HADCA over the Covid period - they have helped keep us all in touch and supporting each other through difficult times. The cost of living crisis is going to have an equally long impact."

"You are an important part of the glue that holds our community together."

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that has supported us over the past year and helped to make this possible. If you would like to support us this year here are some easy ways you can do so... 

1. Donate Online 

2. Leave a Gift in Your Will 

3. Shop for HADCA  Join our Online Shopping Scheme

4. Donate by Cheque

5. Take on a Challenge and Fundraise for us!

Some wonderful volunteers have fundraised for us by running, swimming, dancing, swishing and holding a coffee morning! If you would like to take part in a sponsored walk, run, cycle or swim in aid of Harrogate & District Community Action please get in touch - we would love to hear from you.

Please contact us at for more information.

Our HELP Practical Support Services rely on fundraising activities to pay for items such as:

  • Tools and equipment for our Help at Home service
  • To keep our vans on the road
  • To help pay for our programme of social events and outings
  • to cover volunteers’ expenses and for training

You can find out more about fundraising for these vital services on the HELP Fundraising page