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The Positive Power of 10 for Young People

The Positive Power of 10 for Young People

The Power of 10 volunteering scheme in Ripon has shown what can be possible if a community comes together to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for young people. Charities and community groups are benefitting from the energy, new perspectives and ideas of young volunteers. 

The official launch of the scheme on 19th March was kindly hosted by The Ripon Inn. There was a positive buzz as community organisations took the opportunity to share ideas and pick up Power of 10 resources to help involve more young people and support them with volunteering opportunities, employability skills, improving wellbeing and feeling valued members of their community. 

By providing meaningful, flexible and varied opportunities to inspire young people, one of the aims is to help keep young talent local, whilst building confidence and skills.

In 2024 the Power of 10 is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund via North Yorkshire Council, to enable the scheme to be embedded in the local community. 

On achieving 10 hours of volunteering, young people receive the Power of 10 award, in recognition of their commitment and hard work. They can then progress to achieve 20, 50 and up to 100 hours! Awards and rewards include certificates, badges, t shirts and vouchers. ‘Volunteering passports’ are given to young people to record their hours, which can be especially helpful if they are volunteering in more than one role.  

This year so far, we’ve celebrated recipients of the Power of 10 award who have given time with groups, ranging from Ripon Swimming Club to the National Trust.   

Power of 10 Co-ordinator, Jo Thackwray, is delighted that many organisations are already supporting the scheme including New Beginnings; Ripon YMCA; Ripon Library; Ripon Museums; The Wellness Gateway CIC; Ripon St John Ambulance Youth; Inspire Youth Yorkshire; North Yorkshire Youth; Nosterfield Nature Reserve; Ripon Theatre Festival; Rotary Club of Ripon; Ripon Together; Ripon BID and Ripon Cathedral. 

Involving young people can have many benefits including having new champions for your organisation, raising awareness with peers, parents and teachers, as well as the wider community. There is support available for being ready to involve young volunteers, including free training with Ripon YMCA and the Youth Volunteering Network to share good practice.  If your organisation would like to know more please email
If you know a young person who gives time to help out, we would love to award and reward them whether they're helping in a charity shop, sports club, museum, outdoors or anywhere! Email to find out more. 
Whether you’re a young person, community organisation or business who wants to get involved, there are resources for you at 

Charities and community groups working in Ripon are also invited to join our Connecting Ripon Network, a place to share knowledge and ideas to make life better for people in the city. The network is supported by funding from Ripon City Council and you can find out more at