Key Objectives
1. Enable the charity to achieve its key goals outlined in our Five Year Business Plan, specifically "Build our national profile", "Develop a national network of partners" and "Increase our fundraising / income generation".
2. To identify, research and secure funds from a variety of sources to support the continued development and delivery of Open Country's services.
3. To review existing fundraising activities and recommend an annual fundraising strategy with the aim of providing regular income to enable Open Country to provide and grow our services.
4. To deliver fundraising activities which meet the objectives of the fundraising strategy and the requirements of the Fundraising Regulator.
Main responsibilities of the role
Working with the Chief Officer, you will agree your workload based on abilities, skills and any need for personal development opportunities.
1. Develop an annual fundraising strategy aimed at supporting the strategic objectives of the Business Plan.
2. Review the existing income generation activities and make appropriate recommendations to improve their effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Research potential and current donors and write grant applications to charitable trusts, grant-making bodies and other funders.
4. Develop and deliver new and imaginative fundraising activities.
5. Develop and implement a strategy for appropriate corporate sponsorship and fundraising.
6. Manage ongoing relationships with donors and benefactors.
7. Develop online fundraising opportunities.
8. Recruit and organise volunteers to support our fundraising endeavours.
9. Review and develop merchandising activities.
10. Develop and deliver Open Country fundraising events and recruit and support participants in third-party events.
General responsibilities
• Undertake relevant training as required.
• Undertake whatever duties are allocated by the Chief Officer and Trustees,
to ensure Open Country offers a high quality and caring service at all times.
• Abide by all our policies, paying particular attention to Health & Safety.