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The Power of 10

The Power of 10

The HADCA team is delighted to be able to share that we have secured funding to continue to develop our Power of 10 volunteering scheme in 2024, to inspire young people to seek out opportunities they may not usually explore, building confidence, skills, and good well-being practices along the way.

A big thank you to all our project supporters, the project team and of course the amazing young people who have already given hundreds of hours to make life better for others.

There are 4 tiers to the awards:

•    10 hours – Certificate & badge 
•    20 hours  - Certificate & badge & certificate presentation folder 
•    50 hours – Certificate & badge & branded POF10 t shirt 
•    100 hours – Certificate & badge, gift voucher & personal statement workshop. 

Having celebrated and recognised many young people over the last 12 months for their volunteering commitment, we know by offering a range of flexible and meaningful opportunities for them to explore, we can support them to  boost their confidence, learn new skills, improve wellbeing and feel valued members of our community.

We look forward to recognising many more young people during the year. 


Launch of the Power of 10 Award and Reward Scheme  

The official launch of the Power of 10 was held on 19th March, kindly hosted by the Ripon Inn. It was an opportunity to network, share ideas, pick up Power of 10 resources and find out more about how local voluntary organisation can recruit more volunteers and support our young people with: 

•    Volunteering Opportunities
•    Employability skills
•    Improved mental & physical wellbeing
•    Feeling a valued part of the community
•    Keeping young talent local 

How to get involved 

The Power of 10 is an opportunity to celebrate the positive difference young people make in our community and to recognise their contributions. 

If you would like to know more or get involved with your voluntary organisation or business please contact: Jo Thackwray, Power of 10 Coordinator, HADCA  

Do you know a young person who gives time to help out with a local charity, group or club in the Ripon area? Power of 10 would love to award and reward them whether they're helping in a charity shop, a sports club, museum, library, outdoors or anywhere!

If you have any young people who have volunteered 10 or more hours with you in Ripon, or you're a young person who has volunteered for 10 hours or more, please get in touch so we can arrange your awards and rewards by emailing

Power of 10 Resources 

•    Young Person PO10 pack

•    Voluntary Organisation PO10 pack 

•    Ripon Business PO10 pack  

Picture News resources for schools to inspire young volunteers

These interactive Picture News resources open the conversation about volunteering, the benefits to self and the community, with the option to complete the “The Power of 10” challenge. This is an opportunity for schools to complete 10 hours of volunteering for a local organisation, which will help to strengthen communities and improve wellbeing for all involved. 

Thank You to our Supporters


The Power of 10 project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 


The Power of 10 builds on the work of our 18 month Volunteering City Of Ripon Heritage Lottery funded partnership project in 2022/23.