The NHS App is free to download and is a safe, secure and easier way to book appointments at your GP surgery, order repeat prescriptions, and view your medical records at any time, as well as getting medical advice and your COVID-19 passport whenever you need it.
The Humber and North Yorkshire Partnership has created a set of guides to support you to download and use the free NHS App. There are two videos and two leaflets which provide step by step guidance on how to download and set up your NHS App, and how to link it to your personal health record so you can start using the App to its full potential.
Leaflets links:
• Setting up the NHS App
• How to use your NHS App
Video links:
• Setting up the NHS App
• How to use your NHS App
Anyone who would like to download and use the app, but would like someone to talk them through what you need to do can call our HELP team on 01423 813090.
With the arrival of the hay fever season, HELP team member Lizzie has just ordered a repeat prescription using the NHS App. Lizzie says “It's a revelation! At the tap of a few buttons my medication was ordered, approved by the GP and sent to the pharmacy within 24 hours. Great service!”
Henshaws Knowledge Village is a series of videos about people living with sight loss, which are helpful for us all.
In this video, Mark from Henshaws discusses how he uses NHS online services and the NHS App, including Health A-Z, NHS 111 and more.
Watch the video here: The NHS App: what you need to know