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Celebration of Special Anniversaries 2021

Celebration of Special Anniversaries 2021

During Volunteers’ Week we have launched ‘Celebration of Volunteering 2021’

Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars started through the efforts of John Fox, former Mayor and Councillor, in 2008, with the support of the Harrogate Advertiser series and HADCA.  Because of Covid the Awards were cancelled in 2020 but discussions are taking place to see if the Awards can be held this year.  The provisional date is Friday 29 October 2021.

Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars organiser, John Fox, says:  “This year more than ever we need to celebrate and recognise all those in our community who volunteered to support essential services or supported people throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. We need to thank those who volunteered with one of the many voluntary organisations in our District, many adapting their services or method of operating during the pandemic.” 

One section of the Awards Ceremony is to recognise those Voluntary Sector organisations who are celebrating a Special Anniversary.  Last year, despite the Awards Ceremony being cancelled, we held a virtual ‘Celebration of Volunteering 2020’ and recognised many groups who were celebrating a Special Anniversary.  

During Volunteers’ Week we have launched ‘Celebration of Volunteering 2021’. Any voluntary sector groups, working in the Harrogate District, who are celebrating a special Anniversary are invited to share a photograph of their volunteers in action together with a few words explaining the aims of the group. 
Please email by Thursday 1 July 2021, attaching your photograph as a jpeg file.

Celebration of Volunteering video 2020

Please take a few minutes to be inspired by volunteers from across Harrogate District who made such a big difference in 2020.  (view the video by clicking on the image below)