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Your CVS, Here For You

Your CVS, Here For You - join us at our AGM 2018 event

Connecting and Collaborating in our local communities we work hard to promote and support local community and social action. As HARCVS exists to serve our local member charities we need to know that what we are doing reflects local needs. Please join us on 11th October to share your views and let us know the issues and opportunities we can work on together.’
We are Here For You and we want to Hear From You.

We hope colleagues from across the district will be able to join us to celebrate local voluntary and community action as we face new opportunities and challenges together. We look forward to welcoming everyone for light refreshments from 1.30pm, with our AGM taking place at 2pm.  

To help with arrangements, places should be booked online here   

If you have any questions about the event please email or call 01423 504074.