Thank You for to our members for sharing your views of our HARCVS service to voluntary and community organisations in our annual survey.
We were pleased to learn that 98% of respondents were satisfied with the support received from HARCVS. You found us friendly, helpful and knowledgeable and our services easy to access.
100% rated HARCVS as effective in supporting and promoting the voluntary and community sector in Harrogate district and flexible in responding to changing needs and the changing environment in which we work.
As a result of responses, we have more work to do to meet needs of both larger organisations and smaller groups in the district, but we were very encouraged by your feedback.
"It’s very beneficial to have regular and up to date information .....and HARCVS do this without fail."
"Expert, not merely knowledgeable, help."
"All staff are very responsive to any enquiries"
"As a trustee of two local charities - I find the quality of advice is consistently high across the board"
"It is very important to us to have an organisation that understands, and seeks to understand, the local issues affecting the voluntary sector, representing us. HARCVS does this very well."
Congratulations to James Parkes from Ripon YMCA who was our lucky prize draw winner of two free HARCVS training places.