Our online Where to Turn directory is free to use and contains information about over 600 charity services, support groups and community activities across Harrogate district. The directory is easy to search by location, type of service and opening times.
Where to Turn contains a wealth of information about everything from health charities such as Asthma UK or Arthritis Care through to social activities such as book clubs and art classes.
The aim of the directory is to make it easier for local people to find out about different charitable services. Whether you need transport or advice on coping with chronic fatigue the directory can point you in the right direction. Where to Turn also contains listings for different clubs and interest groups so is also the perfect starting point if you’re new to the area and looking to meet new people.
HARCVS has been keen to revamp our directory for several years and so we’re really grateful to our funders who have supported us throughout this project.
The new Where to Turn directory project was sponsored by the Harrogate District Public Services Leadership Board and jointly funded by the Harrogate Borough Council, the NHS and the Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire.
The directory is an important part of a new way of delivering health and social care locally that is more joined up and about improving people’s health and wellbeing across the District. As Cath Doman, Programme Director for Harrogate’s ‘What Matters to Us’ new care model programme, explains: ‘One of the ways to improve health is to make it easier for people in the Harrogate district to access up to date information about the huge range of support and advice the voluntary sector provides. We’re really pleased that we can now see the results of all this hard work available for local people.’