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Raise your Glass to our Volunteers!

Raise your Glass to our Volunteers!

Sadly this year’s Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars arranged for Friday 30 October 2020 have had to be cancelled.  

This is disappointing as many new people have stepped forward to volunteer to support our community through COVID-19. Many of our established charities have adapted services and are thinking of different, creative ways to keep people fed, well and connected, especially during the coming winter months. 

At the end of the HADCA AGM this year we shared a presentation titled ‘Celebration of Volunteering’ of photographs submitted by groups from across the Harrogate District.  You can watch this at the link below

Celebration of Volunteering video

Please take a few minutes to join our celebration, be inspired by our volunteers and say a big 'thank you'!  (view the video by clicking on the image below)

Raising Your  Glass on Friday at 7pm

The Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars  2020 arranged for this Friday 30 October have had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions. John Fox, organiser of the Volunteering Oscars Awards and our HADCA Chair, is inviting everyone to raise a glass (or a cup!) at 7pm on Friday to all the fantastic volunteers who work very hard to support our community across the district. Please spread the word to family, friends and colleagues to encourage them to join us in raising a glass to say thank you to all our volunteers.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 29 October 2021 for the Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars Awards 2021!