Community action has been one of the heartening things to emerge over the past few years. We want to harness this thriving sense of community across Harrogate district, connecting and collaborating to build on it. We see a future where local people access information and support tailored to their individual situation rather than having to fit around what services are available in their area. A future in which everyone’s skills and experience is valued and all can contribute.
HADCA’s support of local charities and volunteers helps them to be better informed, increase their skills, be aware of emerging local needs and priorities and attract funding and volunteers. We build the capacity of communities to help people live healthy and fulfilled lives.
All our Trustees have a responsibility to ensure that HADCA remains financially viable, and fully compliant with regulatory requirements, and as such we are seeking a specialist Finance Trustee to support our Board of Trustees, CEO and Finance Officer in delivering this.
This rewarding role involves attending four Finance Committee meetings (online) and reporting the financial position to the Board at four evening Board Meetings (face to face) a year at our offices in Harrogate, and contributing towards two Board Development sessions each year.
To find out more about Harrogate & District Community Action, please go to https://hadca.org.uk/
You can read the Finance Trustee role description here
To arrange an informal chat about the role at a time to suit you, please email our Chair of Trustees Helen Bourner helen@hadca.org.uk
If you are interested in the role please send your CV to Helen helen@hadca.org.uk by 30th November 2023.