Our HARCVS Impact Report gives some examples of how we have helped communities, charities and volunteers over the last year.
This year we worked hard to provide local, accessible support, information, signposting and understanding; opportunities to connect and collaborate and a voice to champion the role of the local voluntary sector and celebrate volunteering. All services we continue to provide to our members in 2017/18.
Here are just some examples of the work we have been doing - we supported 285 groups with information, advice and guidance to develop their voluntary organisation; helped raise over £330,000 for local community projects; provided advice to 351 people who wanted to get involved in volunteering, and kept over 2,800 contacts and local organisations informed through our information service.
Our HELP team completed 383 gardening, decorating and DIY jobs for vulnerable local residents and provided over 7,000 journeys with two voluntary car driving services.
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our volunteers – over 130 fantastic people giving over 430 hours of time every week this year!
Thank you to everyone who has supported HARCVS during this year of change. You can read our Report here