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Making A Difference in Harrogate District

Making A Difference - our Impact Report 2017 - 18

Our HARCVS Impact Report gives some examples of how we have helped communities, charities and volunteers over the last year.

Charities and community groups need two things to operate successfully – cash and volunteers. A thriving local voluntary and community sector means there is intense competition for them. Our work is very much focussed on connecting and collaborating to improve the flow of both, and to give all local groups the best chance to attract the resources they need to achieve their charitable objects.  Our highly respected information services remain at the heart of our role. Connecting and collaborating underpins all our work and supports the delivery of three further themes: supporting local voluntary action and community fundraising and practical support for older and vulnerable people.

Here are just some examples of the work we have been doing - we supported 215 organisations to recruit volunteers for over 300 different roles, connected 256 people at 17 network meetings and kept over 2,900 contacts and local organisations informed through our information service. 

Our HELP team provided a voluntary car driving service for 10,032 journeys, completed 372 gardening, decorating and DIY jobs for local people in need and accompanied and supported people to get out and about on 523 outings.  

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our volunteers – over 100 fantastic people giving over 310 hours of time every week this year!  

Thank you to everyone who has supported HARCVS during this year of adjustment. You can read our Report here