HADCA is proud to be a THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District partner with Harrogate Borough Council and Two Ridings Community Foundation.
In 2019 over £35,000 was awarded to 16 local charities and groups, with 6 local charities also sharing an additional £34,500 at a Dragons’ Den event.
This year the focus is on supporting small organisations based in and/or working in the area served by Harrogate Borough Council, who have suffered financial hardship due to financial challenges during this most unusual year.
Groups must be able to show both that they are in hardship, and that any funding awarded would make a difference to the medium- to long-term survival of the group.
Applicants should be able to show how they will use the grant to help them become sustainable. This could be part of their long-term plans or a temporary measure in order to apply for larger funds, to allow the group to generate their own income, or to allow the group to recruit more volunteers.
Grants are available of up to £5,000 and funding will be available for core running costs.
Applying organisations must have an income of under £200,000 a year. Priority will be given to charities with a turnover of under £150,000 and those that can clearly demonstrate how a small grant can make a real difference to their viability.
Groups must also submit a completed finance template. There are two free online one hour workshops to assist with the cash flow forecast required.
You can read more details and book a place at one of the workshops at the links below
Workshop 10 December
Workshop 15 December
The deadline for applying for this round of funding is 11 January 2021.