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Launch of THE LOCAL LOTTO for the Harrogate District

Launch of THE LOCAL LOTTO for the Harrogate District

17th July 2018 is an important day for the Harrogate District, especially for local charities, community and voluntary groups. THE LOCAL LOTTO for the Harrogate District has launched for ticket sales.

Tickets for THE LOCAL LOTTO for the Harrogate District are being sold via THE LOCAL LOTTO website which is now live for players to select their six numbers.  The inaugural draw will take place on the 8th September. As well as a £25,000 jackpot there are smaller, weekly, prizes.

The lottery is a fundraising opportunity for local voluntary and community groups, which also enables players to support the local organisations they care about most. Money raised through THE LOCAL LOTTO will contribute towards keeping the voluntary and community sector thriving across the district. The lottery is being promoted jointly by Harrogate Borough Council and the partners in the THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate district, HARCVS and Two Ridings Community Foundation.

60p from every £1 ticket will go directly to local charities and voluntary or community groups. This is better than the national lottery where only 30p in £1 goes back into the community. They will be the only organisations to benefit. Recent research found 90 per cent of charitable income is given to the seven per cent of the largest charities in the UK.

Good causes still have the opportunity to sign-up to be a beneficiary and it is free.  The application process only takes a few minutes and can be completed via THE LOCAL LOTTO website. So if the group or charity you would like to support isn’t registered yet please let them know about this opportunity and encourage them to sign up. The lottery will provide them with a guaranteed monthly income. The more tickets they sell the more the group will benefit!