Every now and then, an article declares Harrogate to be “the best” or the “happiest” place to live. And objectively, of course, it’s a lovely town. However, we know that many households are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis even though the area appears to be affluent.
North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law Centre told me that since 2020 the most prevalent debt their clients are facing in Harrogate is energy debt. They added, “In 2024 we have advised 1856 clients in Harrogate with 11,536 separate issues. 1024 issues are related to housing, including homelessness. 1850 issues are relating to debt. 573 issues relating to relationships and family”.
Issues such as addiction, poor mental health and domestic abuse are also day-to-day experiences for our friends, colleagues and neighbours. Facing these challenges whilst everyone around appears to be prospering can make it even harder to ask for support. And support is one thing we are universally rich with in Harrogate: charities, community groups and support groups for almost every issue someone might face are there for you. See hadca.org.uk/wheretoturn or phone us on 01423 504074 to be signposted towards people who can help.
Resurrected Bites’ community grocery stores are supporting around 300 households who are in food poverty with food and non-food supplies, which amounted to 5,800 grocery shops being done in the last year. They believe there are many more local people still struggling who probably don’t know about their services. Additionally, their three pay-as-you-can community cafes in Harrogate, Killinghall and Knaresborough see a lot of people eating there because they either cannot afford to eat elsewhere, or need to keep warm, or are lonely or isolated. Please do spread the word about these fantastic services – everyone is welcome to go and have a delicious meal and help prevent food waste.
Whilst many people would not want to believe it, there are lots of children in this town without a bed of their own. Essential Needs charity furniture store in Harrogate is tackling child bed poverty in the local community by funding and supplying up to 75 free new single beds this year to children who do not have their own and are often sharing with a sibling or parent. The LOCAL Fund has also provided funding for the provision of bedding packs, so that beds can be supplied with their own duvets, covers and pillows. Essential Needs appreciates donations of quality furniture and household items to help change local people’s lives. They will collect your donations of furniture and electrical appliances for free as long as they are clean, in good condition and comply with current health and safety legislation so that they can be re-used and resold. Please consider donating furniture or buying from Essential Needs, as it enables the service to run for everyone.
This festive season, please consider giving to a local charity to ensure that if you, your friend or neighbour needs local support in 2025, the help they need is available.
Frances Elliot