Volunteering was given a bit of a facelift back in 2012 with the London Olympics and the recruitment of Games Makers to ensure the smooth running of ‘the greatest show on earth’. More locally we had the Tour Makers who assisted in bringing the world’s biggest annual sporting event to Harrogate in 2014.
But it’s not just about getting involved with high profile events. Volunteering is happening all around us, from small gestures for neighbours to more formal opportunities to getting involved with a local charity, we’re lucky enough to have a strong community spirit across the Harrogate district.
This willingness to look out for others, and get involved for the greater good, has never been more evident than during the pandemic where hundreds of people stepped forward to help those who were isolating.
Building on the legacy of all of this goodwill, Harrogate and District Community Action (HADCA) has launched a number of different projects over the last 18 months to harness the potential power of this volunteering ‘workforce’.
Our latest project recognises that not everyone has the time to dedicate to regular volunteering. Help Out Harrogate is an initiative offering local people the chance to volunteer at a variety of one-off events without the need to make any regular commitment. This injection of volunteering support into small charities or local groups will help make a difference to the people, places and spaces that matter to Harrogate.
Join our crew of volunteers interested in helping out with ad hoc events and activities. The volunteering roles will be varied, from marshalling at flu clinics or outdoor events to pulling pints at a charity beer festival, helping with sports events, litter picking or getting involved in conservation tasks. No two opportunities will be the same! No minimum commitment and the tasks should fit around your own busy lives.
Our Help Out Harrogate crew have already got involved with crocus planting on the Stray, flu vaccination marshalling at Mowbray Square and helping shake buckets at the Harrogate Bonfire.
If you're over 18 years of age and would like to join our crew, simply complete this form below to help groups in Harrogate to hold successful community events. We ask for your contact details and some information about the support you can offer so we can contact you about relevant opportunities. We also ask for details of two people who can provide a character reference for you.
Signing up will add you to the mailing list to receive notification of all the opportunities but you can also keep an eye on our Facebook page to find out more about forthcoming volunteering activities.
Help Out Harrogate builds on the legacy of the incredible volunteering efforts of local people during the Covid pandemic. HADCA had over 350+ people come forward to help individuals isolating at home and a further 150 volunteer marshals supporting the vaccination programme at both the Harrogate and Ripon vaccination centres. The new pilot harnesses the incredible power of this volunteering ‘workforce’ to support local charities and community events and activities.
If you are a local charity or community group who needs one-off volunteering support, please complete this form or email helpout@hadca.org.uk if you need to discuss the opportunity.
This pilot project is being generously supported by The Shears Foundation, Councillor Peter Lacey and Councillor Sam Gibbs.