We hope colleagues from charities, community groups and partner organisations from across the Harrogate district will be able to join us on Thursday 13th October 2022 11:00am at Friends Meeting House, 12a Queen Parade, Harrogate HG1 5PP.
Our AGM at 11am is followed by a networking lunch from 12noon.
With our guest speaker, Jan Garrill, Chief Executive of Two Ridings Community Foundation, we will look at the funding landscape for charities, responding to the cost of living crisis and preparing for the new North Yorkshire Council.
You’ll be able to hear our plans for the future, working towards our vision ‘People in the Harrogate District benefit from leading fulfilling and active lives and make a positive contribution to local community life’ by connecting and collaborating, supporting community action, strengthening volunteering, growing local giving and helping people stay safe, warm and well at home supported by volunteers.
Please join us at our AGM to share your views and let us know the issues and opportunities we need to work on together.
Let's also celebrate the impact of local voluntary and community action as we face new challenges. It is so important for us to work together to make sure our small but vital local charities are still here to help our communities in the future.
Papers for our HADCA AGM
- Special Resolution to amend our Memorandum & Articles of Association to specify that meetings may be virtual or hybrid, as well as in person.
Please read our Impact Report (PDF file) which gives some examples of how we have helped and connected communities, charities and volunteers over the last year. You can also view our Report as a flipbook
Staff and volunteers from charities, community groups and partner organisations working in Harrogate District are very welcome to join us. Please book your place here