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Connecting with our Local Neighbourhoods

Connecting with our Local Neighbourhoods
Can you help HADCA with a local neighbourhood research project for the Harrogate Town locality?


North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is in the process of establishing a county wide network of Community Anchor Organisations (CAO).
The network will help NYC deliver on the aims:

•    Prevention and reducing health inequalities
•    Community resilience
•    Social regeneration.

In the larger urban areas of Scarborough and Harrogate, NYC want to research the options for local neighbourhoods to see how this will work best for local people. 

HADCA has been appointed for the Harrogate Town locality research project to:  

•    Carry out research at neighbourhood level to identify groups and organisations that act as natural connectors and responders in their areas  (November 2023 – January 2024)  
•    Support a co design event with communities and work with partners to identify potential models (February 2024).


Research Project Objectives

The aim of the project is to gain a better understanding at a neighbourhood level of:
•    The connections in place
•    The relationships between those connections
•    The trust in those relationship,

HADCA is working to: 
•    Identify ‘natural neighbourhoods’ in the Harrogate urban area (see initial list below, which may be refined)
•    Identify community groups, leaders and connectors in those neighbourhoods 
•    Have conversations with community and group leaders to understand the connections in an area 
•    Have conversations with key individuals identified from the initial contact with community groups and leaders. 


Proposed outcomes
•    The project partners will know those groups and organisations that act as natural connectors and responders at a neighbourhood level in Harrogate urban area.
•    The project partners will have a greater understanding of community capacity across the Harrogate area.  


Initial list of Harrogate Town Neighbourhoods (may be refined)
•    Bilton and Woodfield
•    Coppice/New Park
•    Duchy
•    Fairfax/Knaresborough Road
•    Harlow Hill
•    High Harrogate/Granby
•    Hookstone
•    Jennyfields/Skipton Road
•    Low Harrogate/town centre 
•    Oatlands/Leeds Road/Almsford Bank
•    Queen Ethelburga’s/Penny Pot
•    Rossett 
•    Saints/Wetherby Road/ Woodlands 
•    Starbeck
•    Valley Gardens/Cold Bath Road

Can you help? 

Are you or someone you know one of the people below or involved with one of the organisations listed for a local neighbourhood? 
•    Organisations that provide community services and support in a local neighbourhood (community groups, social media groups, informal/formal, faith based, groups focussed on particular issues etc)
•    Places where people meet (churches, community venues, pubs, shops etc)
•    People who enable that to happen – connectors and responders 
•    People who would get involved and help out if there was an emergency in this neighbourhood – someone people would turn to in this situation. 

Please get in touch 

If you would like to be involved, be willing to have a conversation with a member of our team or have any local information to share we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us by email in the first instance at giving your phone number if you would like a conversation. 

If you have any questions please email us at If we can’t help we’ll pass your question to our partners at North Yorkshire Council.