Thank you to John Fox, all sponsors and partners and most of all the amazing volunteers who made the 12th Annual Volunteering Oscars Awards Ceremony on 1 November 2019 such an inspiring, humbling and special event. Shortlisted nominees, friends and family were invited to the Old Swan Hotel in Harrogate for a ceremony celebrating volunteering and volunteers from around our district.
And the Winners Are........
Volunteering Oscars 2019 Winners & Highly Commended
Young Volunteer of the Year
Louis Woollven
Ripon Reading Hack Volunteers: Rebecca Edwards; Tilly Parker; Abbie Goodwin; Emily Parry; Alec Goulding; Grace Stroer-Jarvis; Eleanor Hope; Sofia Sumpter; Maeve Horsman; Lisa Thorpe; Diana Jurgina; Cassidy Weidermann; Nina Komisarek; Juliet Wright; Chola Malama; Sarah Wright; Brooke Millward; Jie Yaw; Jessica Millward; Jugo O'Neill; Zoe O'Neill
Care Volunteer of the Year
Belinda Atkinson
Community Volunteer of the Year
Georgina (Georgie) Good
Highly Commended:
Jenny Travena
Environment Volunteer of the Year
The Cone Exchange
Highly Commended:
Open Country Conservation Groups
Sports Volunteer of the Year
Steve Pattison
Volunteering Team of the Year
Sir Robert Ogden End of Life Support Volunteers
Unsung Hero of Harrogate
Mark Smith
Unsung Hero of Knaresborough
Brenda Dixon
Unsung Hero of Boroughbridge & Ripon
Kevin Mason
Highly Commended:
Daryl Ekin
Unsung Hero of Nidderdale
Erica Spencer
New Volunteer of the Year
Naomi Ross-Gower
Highly Commended:
Jamie Thistleton
Trustee of the Year
David Hayes
Organisation of the Year
Harrogate Theatre
Volunteer of the Year
Lauren Doherty
Lifetime Achievement Award
Pam Roberts
Congratulations too to local voluntary organisations celebrating special anniversaries this year including Ripon Scouts (100); Harrogate Round Table (70 years); Ark Ripon (50 years); Horticap (35 years); SASH, Follifoot Park Disabled Riders Group, Ripon Activity Project and Paperworks (25 years); Starbeck Summer Show (20 years); PPR Foundation and Springboard (Harrogate Homeless Project) (10 years)
Thank you to the Harrogate Advertiser for the photo on this page