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Cheers for our Volunteers!    

Cheers for our Volunteers!    

This Volunteers’ Week is a time to say a special thank you to all volunteers across Harrogate District for their dedication and the positive difference they make in our communities.   

Whether they call themselves volunteers or not, everyone who gives even a little of their time is making a big difference helping those who are struggling to cope with life’s challenges. This contribution is even more important than ever this year during the coronavirus pandemic.    

There have been many wonderful acts of kindness and a fantastic community response which has made the news. Our established HADCA member charities and volunteers also continue to work hard to ensure that people are safe and well, supported and connected to others. 

We’re thanking over 250 ‘Here to HELP’  volunteers assisting local people struggling during the current crisis

Frances Elliot, HADCA CEO said: “Our community has come together during this crisis to help people in their hour of need. We have been delighted by the number of people who have offered their time to volunteer with us. All our volunteers have shown dedication and commitment in assisting local residents requiring extra support at this challenging time. We really couldn’t have achieved this without them!” 

Volunteers’ Week highlights and recognises the contribution of people who give time in many different ways to support the vital work of local organisations, often behind the scenes. Many small charitable organisations have needed to deal with significant challenges since lockdown and the coronavirus outbreak, including loss of income and an increase in demand for services. Trustees are the people who volunteer their time and expertise to ensure that local charities are sustainable, continue to develop and provide good services to those who need them. This is a really important role in our communities guiding the vital work of our local charity teams – so a special cheer for trustees, including our own fantastic HADCA trustees

A big #VolunteersWeek thank you to everyone giving time to care for our people & places, making Harrogate District better for everyone. 

Local charities need volunteers both now and in the longer term. Our HADCA Volunteering Directory is a good place to look to be inspired and find a role to match your interests, skills, needs and causes you care about. 

As we start to emerge from the crisis and restrictions are lifted further, people in our community will continue to need our support. We will be playing our part to sustain this community spirit and root social solidarity in our everyday lives so that the Harrogate district can thrive once more.