Friends are like-minded people and organisations who wish to encourage charitable giving and gain support for THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District. A ‘Friend’ would act as an ambassador at events and meetings to encourage support for the Fund.
THE LOCAL FUND, launching in January 2018, will provide grant funding to local community groups and charities across the Harrogate District. It will focus on addressing local need by supporting the work of community groups and charities whose work is dedicated to improving the lives of local people.
How can you get involved?
· Help to spread the word about the Fund
· Identify potential donors and applicants to the Fund
· Promote different ways to give
· Make a donation, though this is not a pre-requisite
· Set up your own named fund
· Consider leaving a gift in your will to the Fund
You do not require any particular skills to join Friends of THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District; just have a passion for improving the quality of life for disadvantaged people and communities across the area.
For more information and to join as a Friend, please visit our Friends of THE LOCAL FUND page, email friendstlf@harcvs.org.uk or call 01423 504074.
You can make an online donation to THE LOCAL FUND here