Charities and community groups need two things to operate successfully – cash and volunteers. A thriving local voluntary and community sector means there is intense competition for them. Our work is very much focussed on connecting and collaborating to improve the flow of both, and to give all local groups the best chance to attract the resources they need to achieve their charitable objects.
There are many fantastic charities and groups with great ideas and projects making life better for people in our Harrogate district. They all deserve excellent support and HARCVS would like your help so that we can improve the service we give.
Please complete our short customer survey as we’d like to know what you’d like us to start doing, stop doing or carry on doing because you would otherwise find it difficult to access .
Do you value our bulletins and network meetings? Would you like them to continue?
Our short survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please take this opportunity to let us know how we have helped and how we could do things better or differently.
You do not need to give your contact details unless you are requesting information or would like an individual response.
Please complete the survey now here
Thank you for taking the time to help keep us on the right track and moving in the right direction!
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers