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Giving Tuesday  

Giving Tuesday  
28th November 2023 12:00am to 11:45pm
Chartered Institute of Fundraising

Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.

You can volunteer your time; donate money; share your skills; campaign for something; donate goods, food, or clothes; organise a community event such as a street or park clean-up or a coffee morning

For charities it's the perfect opportunity to:
•    Engage with current and new donors,
•    Launch or shine a spotlight on your fundraising campaign,
•    Raise awareness of your services,
•    Celebrate your fantastic donors and volunteers, or
•    Share stories from your beneficiaries demonstrating your impact.

Toolkits are available for businesses, charities and individuals, with tips and tricks for your campaign this year.