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Where to Turn

Harrogate Women's Project

HWP is intended to empower women by providing support, advice, training, sign posting and companionship - all while having fun!!

Our first desire is to help women that are vulnerable, socially isolated or in crisis. But we are also here to support every woman that needs advise or a listening ear or just wants a morning out!

Along with aspects relating to the more serious issues in life we also make time to have fun, learn crafts, cook and bake, sew, etc

We have a beautiful venue at Mowbray Church for our Thursday Club with fantastic facilities for babies and small children who are always welcome but must be looked after by their mummy. The services and activities provided at HWP are determined by the women themselves. In this way we know we are really responding to the needs of the group.
All ages welcome. Refreshments. Meeting time: 10.00am - 12 noon


Contact Information
Located at:
Mowbray Community Church, Westmoreland Street, Harrogate, HG1 5AT
Telephone Number: Tel: 07879 781665
Additional Information
Local or National: Local
Area: Harrogate area
The group meets: Weekly
Who is it aimed at?
All Adults 18+, Women only
Last updated 5.04.2022