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Where to Turn

Active Health Scheme

An accessible service for adults who would benefit from a structured physical activity programme in a safe, supervised environment. The scheme will support you to make lifestyle changes especially if you have a limiting lifelong illness. The scheme will support your long-term participation in regular physical activity through goal setting and developing confidence, therefore, improving your mental, social and physical wellbeing.

The active health scheme is intended for people:
who have low to moderate risk health conditions
who have severe coronary heart disease or early post-myocardial infarction/coronary artery bypass graft/angioplasty (cardiac rehab classes only)
who have mild to moderate mental health problems (for example, depression, anxiety or stress)
who have diabetes type one and two
who have post physiotherapy musculoskeletal conditions (for example, knee, hip, shoulder)


Contact Information
How to get in touch: If you think you may be eligible, please email or talk to a member of your healthcare team.
Additional Information
Local or National: Local
Area: All of Harrogate District, Boroughbridge, Harrogate area, Knaresborough, Masham, Nidderdale, Ripon area
Disabled access:

All our venues are easily access and have facilities suitable for people with disabilities

Who is it aimed at?
All Adults 18+, Adults Age 18-49, Adults Age 50-64, Adults Age 65+
Last updated 30.01.2024