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Where to Turn

Thinking for Yourself

Do you enjoy
“Thinking for Yourself” ?

We are a small, independent, philosophy group meeting weekly to discuss a different topic from a philosophical point of view.

We don’t teach philosophy but use it to examine our own beliefs and those of others.

We come to each session relatively unprepared for the topic so must “think for ourselves”. This is the crux of the group.

Accepting the protocols of the group is essential.
• We are not a “talking shop”.
• Discussion is controlled with every view being listened to before comment.
• All views are equally valid.
• Detailed knowledge of philosophy is not required.
• An enquiring mind is.
• Politics and Religion are not acceptable as answers.

We meet for 2 hours on Wednesday mornings at Harrogate Community House on East Parade where we have excellent remote conferencing facilities if preferred.

We are now looking for another 4 or 5 like minded people to join us and bring us back to a nicely manageable dozen or so participants.

If this sounds like something you would like to join please
e mail Tony at in the first instance.

Thanks for looking.


Contact Information
Telephone Number: 01423 439060
Email address:
How to get in touch: Contact Tony on 01423 439060
Additional Information
Local or National: Local
Area: All of Harrogate District, Harrogate area
Disabled access:

We meet in a wheelchair accessible room with excellent remote sound and vision capabilities if required.

Cost: Typically £21 for 10 weekly sessions.
Who is it aimed at?
All Adults 18+
Last updated 23.11.2023