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Where to Turn

Harrogate Male Voice Choir

Harrogate Male Voice Choir Celebrating 50 years of singing and fundraising – and welcoming new members.

A warm welcome is extended to new members irrespective of level of musical experience. There are no auditions or voice trials involved and an ability to read music, whilst an obvious asset, is not a necessity - indeed only a few of the choir’s members claim such proficiency.

The musical team provides expert guidance and together with plenty of encouragement from your colleagues, new members soon find themselves enjoying their new singing experience and the camaraderie of the choir. Singing is, of course, thirsty work and a little post-rehearsal refreshment is available and frequently enjoyed by many members.

Each year the choir invites two local primary schools' choirs to sing with them, providing great experience for the children as well as joy for the senior singers.


Contact Information
Located at:
Woodlands Methodist Church Hall, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 7SG
Telephone Number: 07905515492
Additional Information
Local or National: Local
Area: Harrogate area
The group meets: Weekly
Who is it aimed at?
Men only
Last updated 7.06.2022