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Cost of Living Support

Cost of Living Support

Local support for anyone worried about managing energy and living costs, debts, buying food and keeping warm. 

Financial help and wellbeing and mental health support 

If you're struggling with household payments, debts or living costs, there is local and national financial help and support.

Taking care of our minds as well as our bodies is important and there are resources, national and local support to help.

'You Are Not Alone' Leaflet with sources of support 

Help For Households - this Government website brings together different support schemes and has a range of online tools to help check the support you might be eligible for and how to access it.

Citizens Advice provides free, confidential, impartial advice, helping find a way forward, whatever problem you face. 
If you’re struggling please don’t let things build up. The sooner a call is made to the North Yorkshire Freephone Advice line 0808 278 7900 (9.00 to 4.30 Monday to Friday), the sooner the first steps can be taken.  The line is busy but calls are answered by an adviser who can help, so please try again and you will get through.

North Yorkshire Council has a Cost of Living page listing some support schemes and organisations which may be able to help or advise if you are struggling to pay for essentials.

Community Food, Clothing and Furniture  

Local community providers across Harrogate district are here to help anyone in need with food. 

Clothing and furniture banks are here to offer free, good quality, previously owned clothes and furniture to anyone in need. 

All enquiries are dealt with in strict confidence.

Where To Turn for support  (this leaflet  - updated for Christmas 2023 - includes Community Groceries and Give As You Can Cafes and also lists how to donate food) 

Essential Needs is the local community store for Harrogate district.

Harrogate & Knaresborough Toy Library have toys and resources to borrow. 

Energy Costs 

Warm and Well North Yorkshire can help you if you’re unable to afford your energy bills or worried about heating your home. You can call them on 01609 767 555. 

There is also advice on the Yorkshire Energy Doctor website 

A Warm Welcome 

Community venues, churches and local libraries are friendly, safe and inclusive places, offering not just warmth but a place to enjoy the company of others, and maybe a hot drink. Venues across the Harrogate district are being added to our HADCA Where To Turn Community Information Directory, searchable under the theme ‘Warm Space’. 

Visit our Warm Welcome webpage

All venues in North Yorkshire offering a warm space are also being encouraged to add their venue to the national Warm Welcome website.

Where To Turn 

HADCA’s Community Information Directory for Harrogate District  

Here to HELP

To chat through the options if you're struggling please give our HELP team a call on:

01423 813090 or 

Keeping up to date

If you're supporting people in Harrogate district you can subscribe to our weekly bulletins packed with charity and community news, including new grants and resources. 

Reviewed December 2023