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Chief Officers & Chairs Group

Chief Officers & Chairs Group

To work together to ensure a thriving third sector in the Harrogate District which is able to meet the needs of the local community

‘Such a good quality forum and much needed to share and join together.’

‘Keeps us in touch with the local scene’  


Although HADCA is no longer able to support a full programme of forums and networks, it is important to stay connected in these challenging times. We are continuing to invite decision makers in local charities to meet for informal catch ups  to share latest developments, challenges and opportunities. 

The sessions since 2020 have been really useful and further dates have been set for 2024, usually at 11am and via Zoom. . 

Next meetings 

Tuesday 20 May 2025  please book your place  

 Wednesday 10 September 2025

Thursday 13 November 2025

If you would like to be added to the circulation list to receive details about meetings, and other relevant information, please email us 

HADCA uses its Chief Officers and Chairs Group as a way of sharing information between the local VCS and the Humber and NY Health and Care Partnership, as well as our Local Care Partnership.  For more information about the Humber and NY Health and Care Partnership see


Background to the Group

The Chief Officers and Chairs Group was originally set up by Harrogate & Area CVS and Ripon CVS in late 2009 in order to support the local Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to consult on the NYCC and NHS North Yorkshire and York “Securing the Future: A Dialogue with the Third Sector” paper.

The group was established to allow key decision makers from local VCS organisations to identify issues of mutual concern and to generate local solutions. The group aims to collaborate and communicate more effectively within the sector and therefore strengthen the collective voice of the local VCS.