Mind in Harrogate District - Outreach
Mind in Harrogate provide mental health hubs in the more rural areas of the district, providing local access to mental health support, information and training opportunities. Confidential, individual appointments are available and should be pre-booked directly with our community worker Kirsty, who is based at the following places each week -
Tuesday 10am - 12 noon @ Nidderdale Plus, Pateley Bridge
Tuesday 1pm - 3pm @ Boroughbridge Morrisons Community Room
Wednesday 10am - 12 noon @ Masham Community Office
Friday 10am - 12 noon @ Ripon Library
If you would like to speak to Kirsty about your wellbeing, including for general tips on maintaining and improving your mental health, signposting to helpful services or for help improving your social wellbeing please contact Kirsty on 07305 049296 or at kirsty@mindinharrogate.org.uk
M | T | W | T | F | S | S | |
Morning | |||||||
Afternoon | |||||||
Evening |
We will do our best to accommodate all people with disabilities, please let us know which adjustments you require