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Where to Turn

NYPACT (North Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum)

NYPACT is the collective voice of parent carers in North Yorkshire and we aim to ensure that parents can influence the way services are delivered and designed. We also provide information and signpost parent carers to services.
As part of NYPACT membership, a parent will receive a newsletter 3 times a year, have access to our closed Facebook page 'NYPACT', receive information by email and a free Max card. The Max card provides free or concessionary access to over 3,000 UK attractions, which can be viewed on their website - 'mymaxcard'.
NYPACT is funded by Department for Education and NYCC and the contract is managed by Community First Yorkshire and information is currently hosted on their website.


Contact Information
Located at:
Unit A, Tower House, Askham Fields Lane, Askham Bryan, York, North Yorkshire, YO23 3FS
Telephone Number: 01904 704177
How to get in touch: Email or phone
Additional Information
Local or National: Local
Area: All of Harrogate District, Boroughbridge, Harrogate area, Knaresborough, Masham, Nidderdale, Ripon area
Disabled access:

Yes - at monthly committee meetings

Cost: nil
Who is it aimed at?
All Adults 18+
Last updated 18.06.2020